Oh My Goodness! Ep. 3 Encouraging and Enthusiastic Hype for your day Transcript
Hey friends, welcome to episode three of Oh My Goodness! with me. Aj, Smit. I am absolutely delighted and grateful for the messages I've already received at how the HALTO tool or things you're looking forward to in this podcast. So thank you for leaving those comments. Thank you for rating, thank you for subscribing.
It means more than you think it does, because my point of making this podcast is not for me, but it's to give you tools so that you thrive in your life, and then you use those tools, and it ripples out right then other people are using those tools. So it makes a better, more cohesive society for us all to live in, because we have more tools and language and ways to show up that feel and integrity. And it's just, it's my favorite thing, and one of my other favorite things is being a hype woman.
And what this means being a hype woman is that when my friends are having a hard day or about to go do something big, they're like, Aj, can you send me a little voice memo? Can I have some hype up vibes? Can I have some encouragement, some love?
So this is what this episode is. This is your personal hype up encouragement. You got this moment, so listen all the way through. We'll end with a blessing. If you're having a hard day, a big day, if you're like I'm ready to take on the world, let's go. So I got you.
Hello friend. Look at you go. Look at you showing up today, doing the best that you can. I am so proud of you. Here you are doing something that maybe you didn't think you could do, or were able to do, and you're showing up. You astound me. Look at the ways that you've been showing up for yourself over these last six months, over these last few years.
Look at where you are now and how you used to dream about being here, the good and the hard, the things you didn't expect, but Oh, my goodness, here you are. You've got today. And when things happen, because they will, just like in theater, just like in life, roll your shoulders and be like, Oh, that was a moment that was an adventure that was interesting. And if something doesn't go the way you want, oh, look, there's more information. We don't have to make it mean anything about us, because you're here for a reason, for a purpose.
And if this nudge that is encouraging you to go and do this day, to do the thing is here and alive, then that's meant for you, my friend. Let's not double-guess that because I doubt you have a nudge to create a new math solution or the best wallpaper in the world that sticks for 30 years, right? And if you just laughed, that's because that's not your nudge. This is the thing that you're feeling, the thing that feels alive.
So can we lean into that? Of look at all these other things that aren't in your body, in your desires, in your soul? So the ones that you have, can we let those be true? Because, oh my goodness, look at you go.
You are capable of so much. I see Spirit surrounding you with joy and delight and excitement and enthusiasm and however you want to lean back into that and listen to your inner knowing, I encourage you to do so.
As you go about your day, remember that the ground beneath your feet is there to remind you to stand strong, to grow your roots and own your words.
Do not add any commas after you state your truth, my friend, two things can be true at the same time. You can say, Here I am. AND I haven't done this before. This is my desire. And new word, new sentence, new phrase. This is going to be a new adventure. It doesn't have to be a BUT.
It doesn't have to be an either/or. Two truths can stand there.
There can be a part of you that's afraid and a part of you that's excited, and I hope, with all my being, that you are willing to open up your hands and be a paradox person, where you hold the both/and you flip your hair back and you stand tall, you throw on your red lipstick, you zip up those good boots, put on those pants, that shirt that makes you look in the mirror and go, there I am, because there you are in your life, capable of showing up in today in a way that makes ripples that will make You go, "Ooohh, I didn't expect that. How cool!"
How may you look for the goodness? May you keep your eyes open for the delight and wonder that is about to come your way because you're showing up for it, because you're looking for it. Yes, you can look for the bad, but my friend, you can also look for the joy, and also YOU CAN BRING the joy. If people are not bringing their own, then. Like, well, today is your Oprah moment. You get joy! You get joy! You get delight!
How can you pack your bag, your supplies, your awareness, your body, your energy, in a way that as you carry through the day, no matter what comes forward towards you, no matter what you're facing, that you're like, "Oh, that's not mine, that attitude that you have, that opinion you have of me, that's not mine. What a lovely projection you have up. I hope you get some help. I hope you have a nap. I hope you have a snack. Peace. Be with you. Good luck. I hope you can handle that later. But I've got work to do. I'm here for a purpose and a reason."
Even if that is you showing up today and staying alive through the day, because some days are just really hard. Some days are hard, and if that is going after a deal or a new business or pitching to a new client, you've got this because this is your life.
So own it.
Go for it.
Shoot for the stars. Shoot for the home run.
Do not, as Brene Brown would say, listen to any commentary from people who are sitting on the sidelines eating popcorn and not in the arena. We are done with anybody who is not rooting for your highest good and are keeping themselves out of their dreams and their needs for you to get caught up in their thoughts. Whatever it is that can get so tangly, not today, Barbara, we're not doing that game, no.
If they're not here, rooting for your full flourishing. Then it's, "Thank you so much. We're not taking your commentary today. Please leave that in the box outside."
This is your zone. Today is your day. So please, can we just tell shame and fear and the really fast voice that's like, "oh my gosh, but it's gotta look like that!" Does it? Does it, though? Does it? Because that fast voice that we hear inside, that's just our opinion on what we think other people's expectations are of us, and that's a lot of back and forth for nothing that's been spoken out loud.
The things that have been spoken out loud, are those applicable right now? And do we want to take those applications for our inner critic in this real time, in this moment? Do we want to bring that in the room with us?
You have a choice.
You have a choice, my friend, and if not, then just swipe no. Be like "Thank you so much. I am not in need of that commentary today, shame, fear. Thank you so much. I see that you're trying to keep me safe, not today. I've got grace, I've got empathy, I've got strength, I've got courage, I've got Miss Aj, hype woman in my ear, reminding me that I'm worthy of goodness, that my soul is not here by mistake, that my humanity is good and worthy, that my whole self is good and worthy, that I can be scared and proud, that I can be joyful and nervous, that I can stand on my own two feet. Because, you know what? I've made it this far because I kept getting back up because I asked for help, because I kept moving, even if I was crawling. Today might be a harder day or an easier day than another day, but you know what? Here I am, and I'm willing to do the next right thing, and that counts for a lot. So shame and fear. Go burrito yourselves. Go watch a Disney movie and go lay down. Go eat some popcorn, because I do not have time for your nonsense today. No, ma'am."
Put on your teacher voice. You got this, and if it just feels heavy, if you're just like, AJ, I get it, but I'm just tired. Yeah, I hear you. And how can we shift that? How can we give you a little bit more energy and enthusiasm? Can you have a dance break? Can you shake it out real quick? Can you touch your body and, wrap yourself in a hug and say, "Hey, buddy, what do you need from me right now?" Because maybe your body's like, "I've been dehydrated. You haven't fed me water all day." And you realize...Oh my bad.
Quick question, did you eat today yet? If not, why can we have some food? Can we have some more water for me, if I'm having a low day, I'm throwing on some red lipstick. So can we put on some clothes? Some new energy. What do you want to invite in? What do you want to call in? Do you want to bring in exuberance, delight, groundedness, strength? What do you want to cultivate? Who are the people we're calling in our corner? They can be real or alive or dead or fictional. It does not matter if you want to bring in The Rock energy. Bring that in and be like, hey, "The deals I stand for are ones that are integrity with my personal brand."
If you want to bring in Oprah generosity, go for it. If you want to bring, oh, I don't even know if you want to bring in mermaid, playful delight energy. Do that. If you want to bring in author energy, of somebody who's written a lot of books, because they keep showing up, bring that. Imagine those people speaking to you.
Create a council around you that drowns out everybody else's words who do not apply today. This is your day. Let's claim it. Let's go. Let's roll out. Shake it up after you're done listening to this, crank up your favorite tune. Grab some jams. Maybe they're ones from middle school or one you're listening to now that is on repeat. Blast it. Dance it out. Even if you're doing it in the bathroom stall. You've got this.
And may you remember that I see you, and I'm proud of you, and I love you.
May you be blessed with what you know,
blessed with what you say,
Blessed with what you do,
blessed with where you go,
and above all, be blessed with who you are,
because you are a gift to me and many others.
Amen. Amen. So may it be.
Sing your soul song, my friends, and have an absolutely marvelous day.